Finland 100 Years Birthday!

December 6th is the independent day of Finland, and this year is extremely special as it is Finland’s 10 year’s birthday. This day, people are gathering to celebrate together, many major architects and land marks are lighted with the national colour — blue and white, and in the middle night, a well prepared firework show […]

The little Christmas

Pikkujoulu is coming! It’s Pikkujoulu season! Pikkujoulu is a traditional Finnish party, usually held by companies, communities, and amoung friends. In English it is called “Little Christmas”. Usually it is held 3-4 weeks before Christmas, and the whole city is busy with particing and talking about little Xmas, and you even are able to spot […]

Managing the workload

Hey guys, how are you? It has been around 6 months since my last entry and I am slightly late with this one. I believe that the following picture will sum up the reasons why. The file seen in the pic had been submitted literally couple of minutes before the deadline and before I took […]

HumLog – Season 1

Hi there, it’s Jing again. It is time to look back at my first year master studies at Hanken. Anyone’s interested in some surviving tips?   Starting my degree in humanitarian logistics was one of the best decisions I made. It opened the door to a new professional area that is so important yet relatively […]

Study and live like a proper Hankeit

I’m Jing, a master student in Humanitarian Logistics and part of the international student ambassador team. This post tells a bit of my extra-curriculum learnings of being a Hankeit!   Having been living in Finland for several years and finished my bachelor degree here, the student life at Hanken has still taught me so many […]

Winter has arrived!

Hello, hello, hello! With the first snow fall of this year in Helsinki, it is time for another blog entry from your resident student ambassador from the finance department! So period 2 has started here at Hanken, and with that, many interesting finance courses! Perhaps the one a lot of students are looking forward to […]

What’s up ahead?

While clairvoyance would likely come in use for answering that question, it is a talent I’m yet to unlock. What I can do, instead, is tell you about the ways Hanken has been useful in seeking employment.   While diving into a jungle of group assignments and learning diaries, fending off deadlines and exams as […]

Eventful week at Hanken!

Hei Everyone! I’m Sasha, a student of finance and one of the several international student ambassadors here at Hanken! In this blog I’d like to talk about a couple of events that I attended as part of the International Student Ambassador team, which delved into the student life at Hanken. While there have been so […]