Finland 100 Years Birthday!

December 6th is the independent day of Finland, and this year is extremely special as it is Finland’s 10 year’s birthday. This day, people are gathering to celebrate together, many major architects and land marks are lighted with the national colour — blue and white, and in the middle night, a well prepared firework show in Helsinki center. Meanwhile, Finland is not alone, many other countries also lighted their land mark in blue and white, to celebrate Finland’s 100 year’s birthday. 

Well, the celebration is not only on this day, instead, it began from the beginning the year, and lots of the activities about Finland 100 years throughout the whole year. Many Finnish companies, brands, schools, and government were actively reflecting on the achievements, learnings and experiences from the past, and made the visions and goals for the coming years. 

In a historical time frame, 100 years are very short, however I was amazed how Finland has become one of the top developed countries in the world from the scratch, and topping the many key indicators such as education, low corruption, gender equality, one of happiest country in the world etc. Same time I feel so great to be able to witness and celebrate Finland’s 100 years birthday, and being able to experience the high quality higher education in Finland. 

Happy 100 year birthday to Finland!



