How to get the best of your traineeship?

Hi everyone, Hanh’s finally back with her blog after couple of months 🙂 Today I’d like to share with you guys a story about my summer traineeship at UPM and some fundamental lessons that I’ve picked up along the journey. Now, seat tight and tag along for the next couple of minutes, okay? Around 8 […]

First Impressions: Finland, HIT, and Adjusting During Covid-19 Times

There comes a time when structure becomes chaos, you have more questions than there are answers, and life asks for a bit more flexibility than you are used to. Covid-19 times have tested our ability to adapt but moving to a foreign country can also do the same! Picture it: a Texas girl, grew up […]

Summer Research Internship in Helsinki

Summer is the most beautiful season in Helsinki, especially since it is so short, and the weather is delightful. Everywhere you go, you see happy faces and positive vibes, and boy, a lot of style. The grey-black overcoat hues of the winter give way to colourful floral dresses and printed jeans when the sun finally […]

Breaking stereotypes – student life in Finland

We often hear some stereotypical sayings about different nationalities and countries connected with their unusual and unique features. Finland is not an exception here, and even Finns themselves willingly joke about sauna and ice-swimming, beer and too calm and introvert lifestyle. However, exactly the latter theme became the main reason for mistaken – from my […]