Decent Work and Economic Growth Gender Equality Good Health and Well-being Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure No Poverty Partnerships for the Goals Reduced Inequalities Responsible Consumption and Production

Taste the Change – the role of human rights in the business sector

This year constitutes the 10th anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The principles are “a set of guidelines for States and companies to prevent and address human rights abuses committed in business operations”1. Since the release of the principles in 2011, businesses have increasingly started to accept and adopt their […]

Affordable and Clean Energy Clean Water and Sanitation Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Life Below Water Reduced Inequalities

Tensions of Sustainable Water Governance

Sustainable water governance is expected to solve problems related to water scarcity, hydro-electricity and water contamination, to name a few. How do we understand sustainability in relation to water governance? Why do many water interventions labelled as “sustainable” produce highly contradictory results? In this episode, Mira Käkönen talks about how dams are marketed as multi-purpose, […]

Climate Action Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Responsible Consumption and Production

We have an e-waste problem – How can smartphone refurbishing help?

Home appliances, communications and information technology devices, home entertainment devices…you name it. Electronic or e-waste is the fastest growing waste stream globally. In 2019, a record of 53.6 million metric tons of globally generated e-waste was reported. Electronic devices contain an extensive list of precious metals as well as harmful chemicals; if no product recovery procedures are […]

Gender Equality Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities

Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Digital Games Industry

Digital games industry has become the largest entertainment industry in the world and gaming careers are portrayed as a lucrative option for passionate game enthusiasts. However, there has been continued public turmoil regarding the discriminatory and non-inclusive aspects of the industry. We have seen multiple waves of public revelations as employees of major game studios […]

Affordable and Clean Energy Climate Action Decent Work and Economic Growth Good Health and Well-being Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Partnerships for the Goals Responsible Consumption and Production

Navigating the Jungle – What to Consider when Investing Sustainably?

In the past years there has been a global boom to invest sustainably, both in the private and institutional sectors. Sustainable investing provides an opportunity to invest by considering environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors. According to Bloomberg-Green1, solely in 2020 the investment in ESG oriented funds in Europe topped 1,12 trillion euros (approximately US$1,4 trillion). Huge right?  What then motivates to invest sustainably? Based on recent reports and articles (such […]

Climate Action Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Partnerships for the Goals Responsible Consumption and Production Sustainable Cities and Communities

Textile Reuse And Recycling in Finland. What, When, How?

Did you know we could soon sort used textiles along with the normal waste in Finland? Subsequent to the EU waste directive mandating the member states to establish a separate collection of used textiles by the year 2025, Finland is aiming to start textile collection already by the year 2023 What does this mean and how will it happen?  To reach this goal, Finland will have to develop a network of local textile collectors […]

Decent Work and Economic Growth Gender Equality Good Health and Well-being Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Responsible Consumption and Production

Should the art(s) be considered in the discourse on sustainability?

Nowadays sustainability is part of our everyday life. We are more aware of the environmental capacity to maintain natural resources, as we try to adjust our lifestyle according to it. Likewise, sustainability is also impacting the work of artist across the world, raising the question what does art to do with sustainability? and how can art in its various forms contribute […]

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Quality Education SDGs

Artificial Intelligence: From Data Science to Design (& many things in between)

If there is something we can be certain about, is the fact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming societies, business and  nature of work. However, there are a lot of open questions and confusion that persist around what constitutes AI and what does not? What is the role of data science and design? What is the untapped potential of […]

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure SDGs

How can social innovation be made truly transformative?

Social innovation is often touted as one of the key ways in which we can address various sustainability challenges. It is understood as an innovation process that can stretch the boundaries of creativity and flexibility to develop new and pragmatic solutions. While the concept and the process of social innovation are important tools for  societal […]

Climate Action Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Partnerships for the Goals SDGs Sustainable Cities and Communities

Business model design for sustainability-as-flourishing

As we grapple with some of the biggest sustainability challenges of our times such as extreme poverty, climate crisis, pollution, increased inequalities, there is a clear need for organisations to rethink their business models and value logics to reflect the challenges and opportunities thus created.   In this episode of Sustainability Unwrapped, we delve deeper into novel business model design for sustainable development  […]