Hello there!
This is my first blog post here and I’ll introduce myself a little before I throw all my thoughts and what’s currently going on right at you. My name is Marco, I am a second year master’s student in International Strategy and Sustainability here at Hanken.
As we’re heading towards the last period of this academic year with a quite fast pace, that’s at least how it feels for me, it’s good to take a few minutes to check in on where we stand every now and then. I, myself don’t have all too many courses that I could complain or dwell about, yet the ones I have keep my hands and mind plenty busy.
As I am preparing myself for my master’s thesis I have to attend a course on qualitative research methodology. To be honest, it’s not my favourite but what has to be, has to be. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to even write a thesis as it is a mandatory requirement to make sure all students are able to produce correct academic papers and know all about the methods they will use to collect and analyse data properly.
The other course I currently attend could not be any more different from the theory-heavy research course. I am talking about Academic Business Consulting, Hanken’s oldest and most prestigious course. It has been running since 1976, teaching students how to do consulting work for real companies on real projects. It does not get any more real-life experience than this. Besides being a student consultant myself for a highly interesting fintech firm, I do also manage the day-to-day operations at ABC as CEO. Yes, you’ve heard right – CEO. ABC needs one as it has been a registered company (find us on academicbusinessconsulting.fi) since 1994 and someone needs to be the responsible person who signs contracts and handles the budget. Besides that I enjoy most the direct client contact I get to experience when meeting either new or existing customers to discuss how ABC and our consultants can bring value to them. So much variety in industries and projects really keeps you on your feet, believe me. I can’t really say that I handle all of the work alone, that wouldn’t be fair to my amazing management team who supports me in many ways. Right now we’re in a crucial phase, as most consulting teams have signed projects and are in the middle of their research work, while we are still working on getting 1 or 2 more projects on board. This has so far definitely been the most rewarding and exciting experience I’ve had during my time at Hanken and I am looking forward to the final outcomes of our project work and my own development as a leader and consultant. I’ll update you in my next blog closer to the end of the academic year.

If I could give you some advice on how to stay balanced during a busy study / work year, I’d say: stay busy, but the good kind of busy – focus on what’s important and manage your time accordingly so you make sure you’re able to switch off your business-mind often enough to recharge your batteries. Until then – have a good one 😉