Today, i am going to talk about student committees and student societies which you may be really interested in as potential Hanken students.
If you come from abroad (outside Finland), you may worry about making new friends! We have various nemerous committees and societies within the realm of the student Union called SHS. SHS will help you actively invloved in those. Those include case competitions and start-up evenings to sports events and themed parties (called Sitz).
Today, i am going to talk about student committees and student societies which you may be really interested in as potential Hanken students.
If you come from abroad (outside Finland), you may worry about making new friends! We have various nemerous committees and societies within the realm of the student Union called SHS. SHS will help you actively invloved in those. Those include case competitions and start-up evenings to sports events and themed parties (called Sitz).

Whereas SHS targets and supports all Hanken students, there are some committees which help a specific group of students. If you come to Hanken as a master student, The Masters’ Committee will support you , and If you come to Hanken as an exchange student, The exchange student will help your life in Finland. Both of them are part of SHS. But, they are independly in action to provide all new Master’s and exchange students with student tutors prior to arrival and organize both social and professional events to make sure you have great time (They organise and hold their own sitz for their supporting students !). The most important thing to remember is, that even though you are not an exchange student or a master student at Hanken, you are able to participate in events held by The exchange committee or The master committee. It would be the best opportunity to make various friends!
As well as them, we also have sports committee for students interested in sports!. Sports committe offers many sports activities to students, such as badminton, volleyball, baseball, cart riding, ski and so on. Furthermore, we have many students societies (Clubs) for students who want to socialise by enjoying non-sports activities. There are, for example, a coffee society and beer society. If you click this link https://www.shs.fi/studentkaren/karverksamhet/klubbar/?lang=en, you can check a variety of student societies out at Hanken!.

Last but not least, If you are interested in joining one of or some of clubs, send an email to the email in the link above or take part in a student club(society) day in the beginning of every semester!