Decent Work and Economic Growth Gender Equality Good Health and Well-being Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities Uncategorized

Is artificial intelligence fair, inclusive and ethical?

Imagine a robot running a recruitment process? Sounds like the solution we have been waiting for fair recruitment processes?  But wait…Can it really be free of bias? The answer is unfortunately not so simple and lies in the algorithms that are behind the artificial intelligence tools. As our lives become more and more intertwined with […]

Affordable and Clean Energy Climate Action Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Responsible Consumption and Production

How can private investors invest responsibly and sustainably? Moving beyond the why!

Sustainability matters for all investors, both private and institutional. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impending climate crisis, the interdependence of capital markets, economies, environmental impacts, and social impacts is clearer than ever. In 2019, sustainable investment by institutional investors was USD 30,7 trillion in assets under management in Europe, the United […]

Decent Work and Economic Growth Gender Equality No Poverty Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities

Black Lives Matter – how and why slavery and colonialism still reflect on Western corporations and what steps should be taken towards decolonization?

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has brought the legacy of slavery and colonialism to the Western consciousness in a way perhaps not witnessed since the end of formal colonialism in most of the African countries in the 1960s. It has reinforced the fact that the legacy of colonialism lives on today in the forms […]

Affordable and Clean Energy Clean Water and Sanitation Climate Action Decent Work and Economic Growth Gender Equality No Poverty Partnerships for the Goals Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities Zero Hunger

Why Corruption needs to be addressed in the quest for Sustainability?

Every year, $3.6 trillion end up in individual’s pockets via systems of corruption. Lots of money, right? According to Transparency International’s corruption perception index, which scores and ranks 180 countries by levels of perceived corruption, 98% of countries are corrupt, only 2% are least corrupt, and no country is clean. On the other hand, the […]