About Humlog Blogs

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So far Humlog Blogs has created 106 blog entries.

HUMLOG 15 Year Anniversary

Last week, the HUMLOG Institute Celebrate 15 Years of Bridging Research and Practice. Having engaged with projects, humanitarian organizations, and institutions the world over, this event brought an international presence of researchers, practictioners, and stakeholders to the halls of Hanken for a day discussing the past, present, and future of Humanitarian Logistics.

By |2023-12-08T18:07:07+02:00April 12th, 2023|

Emphasis on Crisis

LOGY Conference on 9th February 2023 by Lauri Jauhiainen Master's Student in Humanitarian Logistics at Hanken School of Economics The LOGY conference was hosted at Pikku-Finlandia, a temporary conference structure [...]

By |2023-12-08T18:08:15+02:00February 23rd, 2023|

Reflections on the 2021 HUMLOG Challenge

The HUMLOG Challenge is an interdisciplinary, team-oriented, interactive digital competition experience, that drives solution development in their local communities with a focus on humanitarian and supply chain solutions. Emily Bergman, [...]

By |2023-01-04T17:16:32+02:00January 4th, 2023|

To ESADE and Back…

On 10th-11th November, Claire Louise Travers attended the 15th EurOMA Journal Publishing Workshop, hosted at the ESADE Business School is Barcelona. EurOMA is the European Operations Management Association, an international network of academics and a professional non-profit association managed by EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management). Claire is a doctoral researcher focusing on localisation of humanitarian aid provision, specifically the use of local procurement and local manufacturing in emergency response programming.

By |2023-12-08T18:08:39+02:00December 7th, 2022|