The green transition needs collaboration across the world
Living at the edge of the world is truly concretized once you get the chance to travel to the other side. This experience was made tangible during the first week [...]
Living at the edge of the world is truly concretized once you get the chance to travel to the other side. This experience was made tangible during the first week [...]
Suomi ikääntyy ja työikäisten määrä kutistuu. Työurien pidentämistä tarjotaan lääkkeeksi huoltosuhteen heikkenemiseen. Pelkkä työelämän venyttäminen ei kuitenkaan riitä, jos väki ryytyy töissä ennen aikojaan. Työuran kestävyys on parempi tavoite, väittää [...]
Jeff Hearn, Professor Emeritus at Hanken School of Economics, recently posted a text about masculinity and crisis on the Global Discourse Blog. The journal Global Discourse is an interdisciplinary journal [...]
Det är lättare att tolka den brokiga ekonomiska och politiska verkligheten då man tar hjälp av bevis och forskningsdata. Kausal inferens är ett effektivt verktyg: med hjälp av slumpmässiga urval [...]
Listen to the entire story on the Sustainability Unwrapped podcast by Hanken School of Economics Electronic or e-waste is the fastest growing waste stream globally. In 2019, a record of 53.6 million metric tons [...]
The aim of the unicorn night is to bring together cutting-edge research, companies and public actors with regards to the unicorn phenomena. Key topics will involve the development of the [...]
Listen to the entire story on the Sustainability Unwrapped podcast by Hanken School of Economics The EU waste directive mandates the member states to establish a separate collection of used [...]
Written by Christina Dahlblom. In the middle of the second corona spring, as a newly appointed Professor of Practice at Hanken, I was given an inspiring assignment: to give a [...]
Skriven av Christina Dahlblom. Mitt i den andra Corona-våren, som nybliven Professor of Practice på Hanken, fick jag ett inspirerande uppdrag: att ge en key note på det första gemensamma [...]
Newly introduced EU level regulation will obligate EU member states to implement a separate collection of textile waste by 2025. Considering this change, we interview Maija Makkonen, the communication specialist [...]