Merinova: EU funding opportunities 7.5.2024
EU Affairs Manager services within Merinova (Vaasa) is organizing a half-day session focused on EU funding opportunities at Vaasa University on 7 May. Don’t miss the step-by-step guidance on how [...]
EU Affairs Manager services within Merinova (Vaasa) is organizing a half-day session focused on EU funding opportunities at Vaasa University on 7 May. Don’t miss the step-by-step guidance on how [...]
Are you interested in getting new insights into the Horizon Europe program? Merinova together with West Finland European Office is organizing an online info session on the theme "Second half [...]
The European Research Council (ERC) is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across Europe. [...]
Read the latest newsletter here. The bi-weekly newsletter informs about research funding, science communication, Library’s resources, Haris, RDM, open science and more. It is sent to all Hanken researchers.
Each year, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) organizes thematic international Global Center programs. This year, the call for funding is focused on challenging bioeconomy topics for future solutions. The [...]
The Joint Programming initiative’s “More years, better lives (MYBL)” has opened its fifth call “Labour force shortages within the long-term care sector" in collaboration with the Research Council of Finland [...]
The Researchers Abroad program offers grants for 6-12 month continuous research visits to foreign universities or research institutes. The application period runs from 1 March until April 12, 2024. The [...]
The Nordic countries together with Canada and the USA are launching a NordForsk call on the sustainable development of the Arctic. The call is two-stage, and the deadline for pre-proposals [...]
Read the latest newsletter here. The bi-weekly newsletter informs about research funding, science communication, Library’s resources, Haris, RDM, open science and more. It is sent to all Hanken researchers.
Hanken is part owner of Merinova that was founded in 1989 and is mainly owned (70%) by the energy technology and cleantech companies and public actors (30%) in the Vaasa [...]