The Researchers Abroad program offers grants for 6-12 month continuous research visits to foreign universities or research institutes. The application period runs from 1 March until April 14, 2023.

The goal of the KAUTE Foundation’s Researchers Abroad (Tutkijat maailmalle) program is to encourage early career researchers to internationalize and support their versatile career development in business and technical fields. The program offers grants for 6-12 month continuous research visits to foreign universities or research institutes.

The application period is from 1 March to 14 April, 2023. 

Read the call text here.

Who can apply?

The grant applicant must be:

  • a Finnish citizen or live permanently in Finland
  • a doctoral researcher, a post-doctoral researcher in the early stages of their career or a researcher working in a company
  • researcher in a technical or commercial field (grants are not awarded for research in medicine, biotechnology or architecture)

The maximum amount of an individual grant is 50,000 euros. The amount to be awarded is primarily intended to cover the additional costs of a 6-12 month continuous research visit, such as travel, moving and housing expenses, school fees for children and insurance costs. A working grant to cover the cost of living may also be included if the applicant does not have any other means of subsistence, such as salary paid by the host institution or a Finnish employer. 


Applying for the grant is done electronically.

The following must be included in the application:

  • Research plan
  • One page project description
  • CV (max. 3 pages)
  • Diploma
  • Recommendation letter (submitted electronically by the referee within 7 days after the end of application period.)

The grant is subject to a letter of invitation or acceptance from the host research institute or university.

Please contact by 31.03.2023 if you are interested in applying.