The new delegation decision from the Rector (12.1.2024) defines the things an applicant must consider when applying for external funding. Please remember to be in contact with the Research Funding Services as early as possible when considering an application. 

The Research Funding Services checks if you are eligible for the funding instrument in question. You also need to inform the Head of the Subject about your application. When the eligibility has been checked, please get in touch with our controller, Jill Rehnman, who will help you with budgeting. If the budget is over 250 000 € or requires funding from Hanken covered by the Rector, the Research Funding Services needs a written commitment both from the Dean of Research and the Rector. For this, the team requires time to prepare the documentation and to ensure that the Dean of Research and the Rector are available for the approvals. 

When writing your application, please consider potential risks the research could entail for Hanken and inform Research Funding Services about them so that we can consider any potential mitigation measures. The risks could be related, for instance, to sensitive research topics, data collection, processing of (sensitive) personal data, project partners, costs related to the use of databases etc. Research Services has a risk assessment form and will ask you about these before you submit your application. If you are unsure about the risks involved in your proposal, we are happy to discuss them with you. 

Research Funding Services will help you with any questions related to your application and we are happy to comment on the technical side of the application. We need to archive the final, submitted version of the application and would be grateful if you could send it to us as soon as it is available.  

Please note that if you do not conform to the general requirements listed in the Rector’s delegation decision, Hanken may not be able to accept the funding even if it is awarded. 

Although the requirements may sound tough, there is a logic behind it. Hanken as an organization needs to know what applications are submitted in its name. Funding often comes with financial obligations, which means that the finance department needs to be aware of them, especially regarding the self-funding or matching funding requirements. 

If you are in doubt, please get in touch with Research Funding Services – we are always happy to hear from you and we are here to help you!