Have you struggled with not knowing which research funding instrument would be right for you and your research idea? This blog post provides a broad overview of various research funding instruments and suggestions on which career stages they are suitable for.
Doctoral Researchers:
If you do not receive a salary from the university or only receive a partial salary, it is worth applying for funding from foundations. In Finland, foundations widely support doctoral research, but some specialize in supporting specific fields. Applications usually recur annually (less frequently for some foundations) at the same time. It is worth following, for example, the updated blog of Hanken’s research funding services or searching for open calls on the research.fi website.
Postdoc / Early Career Researcher:
Currently, a newly graduated researcher can apply for funding from various foundations. It is also worth suggesting to senior researchers that they apply for research funding (e.g., from the Research Council of Finland or the EU Framework Program) for projects that can hire postdoc researchers. Currently, the Research Council of Finland has funding for Academy Research Fellows open once a year (the so-called Winter Call), which can be applied for by researchers who graduated 2-7 years ago. This funding can be used to finance oneself and hire a small research team. Academy projects can only be applied for if one’s salary is guaranteed from elsewhere than the project and one has advanced at least to the level of docent.
For EU funding, it is particularly worth looking at the ERC Starting Grant, whose eligibility criteria regarding the timing of the dissertation are the same as for Academy Research Fellows. EU funding experience can be gained by joining consortia that often seek specific expertise, for example, in social and economic sciences. Consortia can be found by networking well at conferences, attending special matchmaking events, or posting a description of one’s expertise and interest in a specific call on the EU portal.
Established Researcher:
At this career stage, research funding is not necessarily sought to cover salary, especially if the researcher has already secured a permanent position. The purpose, for example, in the tenure track phase, is to demonstrate the ability to lead research groups and large projects. In Finland, funding can be applied for not only from foundations but also from the Research Council of Finland, which offers funding for Academy Projects. Additionally, the Research Council of Finland may have annual thematic calls. The Strategic Research Council’s funding, whose themes are announced annually, also flows through the Research Council of Finland. These funds can only be applied for in consortia with other universities, but they are multi-year large projects with significant societal impact. It is worth looking at the opportunities offered by foreign foundations or the EU Framework Program Pillar II calls. As mentioned in the previous section, one can join large applications by networking and advertising one’s expertise. At this career stage, the ERC Consolidator Grant is also often relevant, providing an excellent opportunity to build a research group around a groundbreaking research theme. If the idea is such that it cannot be solved alone but requires other partners from different universities, the ERC Synergy Grant might also be relevant.
Professor or Senior Researcher:
Professors and senior experienced researchers can practically apply for all project funding unless specific restrictions are given in the call announcement. At the personal level, professors can apply for the Research Council of Finland’s professor funding (not open every year) or the ERC Advanced Grant. With experience in leading various projects, they have an excellent opportunity to act as responsible leaders in large projects and consortia.
Other Opportunities:
In the coming years, the government will increasingly provide funding to Business Finland, and it is already evident that new research focuses will be introduced in the calls. In Business Finland calls, it is often essential to create new research for Finnish companies and exports, but the calls vary, and it is worth checking if there are opportunities to fund your research. Additionally, there are entities that fund, for example, development activities to which research may be closely related. Such entities may include ELY Centers and regional funds.
Please, be in contact with the Research Funding Services (research@hanken.fi) if you have questions or you wish to discuss with us which research funding instruments are most suitable for you.