Are you looking for funding for your research? In this post, we list calls by Finnish foundations with deadlines in winter and spring 2025.

Hanken encourages its researchers to apply for external funding to maximise the resources available for research. A list of upcoming funding calls by Finnish and Nordic foundations is presented below. The list also includes grants for travel and participation in conferences. The calls have application deadlines in winter and spring 2024.

Open calls are also published in the Research Funding blog and Calls marked with an are suitable for doctoral researchers. The list is continuously updated.

** Please remember to always confirm the application deadline (time and date) on the relevant call website. **


  • Finnish Work Environment Fund (in Finnish): Individuals can apply for grants for research concerning working life. The grants are targeted to doctoral researchers in their final stages of their Ph.D and young Post docs. Grants for research visits, travel grants and the writing of research books can also be applied for. Deadline 15 January. *
  • Ami Säätiö: Personal research grants are awarded to individuals for scientific research. The research topic must align with the foundation’s programmatic focus areas, which include skills and labor market matching, diversity in the labor market, and workplace well-being. The personal grants are allocated to those at the dissertation and postdoctoral stages and are intended as individual work grants. Deadline 27 January. *
  • Fulbright Finland FoundationShort term travel grants to the U.S for Finnish researchers. Researchers in Finland, including doctoral students, are eligible to apply. Applications from doctoral students and young postdoctoral scholars are particularly encouraged. Applicants do not need to be Finnish citizens. Deadline 28 January. *
  • Finnish Foundations’ Post Doc Pool: The grants awarded from Säätiöiden post doc -pooli (The Finnish Foundations’ Post Doc Pool) are intended for scholars, who have recently completed their doctoral degree and wish to conduct research abroad, outside of Finland, for at least one academic year. For well-founded reasons, grants may also be awarded for shorter periods lasting for at least 6 months. Grants are also available for non-Finnish nationals. Deadline 31 January.
  • Finnish Concordia Fund: Scholarships are awarded to Finnish women pursuing a doctoral degree. Applications can be submitted for work and travel scholarships. Deadline 31 January. *
  • Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters: Supports is granted for research in natural sciences, biosciences, humanities and the social sciences. Grants are awarded for for conference trips, field trips and purchase of programs (not equipment). When a non-member applies for a grant, it must be endorsed by a member who serves as a co-guarantor for the application. Deadline 31 January.
  • KAUTE Foundation: The Foundation primarily awards grants (working grants and grants for research costs) for university post-degree studies and for young research fellows in the fields of commercial and technical sciences. Deadline 31 January. *
  • Alfred Kordelin foundation: The foundation offers Major Cultural Project funding for projects in the field of science, art, societal activities or various combinations thereof. Only working groups and registered associations may apply. Funding is intended for a two-year period, ranging from €100,000 to €300,000.  Deadline 31 January.
  • Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation: The objectives of the Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation are to enhance friendly relations between the five Nordic countries and Japan and to promote exchange between the peoples of the countries concerned. The foundation provides grants and scholarships to organizations, institutions and individuals in the Nordic countries and Japan. The aim is to promote research, development, education and training mainly within medicine, the humanities, social and natural sciences and technology. Deadline 31 January.
  • Suomi-Amerikka Yhdistysten liitto (in Finnish): The scholarships of the SAM Scholarship Foundation are intended mainly for academic year-long postgraduate studies and/or research work in the fields of business and technology, as well as humanities and culture, at American universities and colleges. The applicant must be a Finnish citizen and a member of SAM. The grant must be used to cover expenses related to studies. Deadline TBC. *


  • OP Research Foundation: The foundation has allocates grants intended for economic research and postgraduate studies. Priority is given to research on cooperative banking and the financial sector on a more extensive basis. Grants can be awarded to individuals, working groups and s funding for a professor’s research leave. Additionally, the Foundation may grant 100,000 euros in Kyösti Haataja grants for research that is related to the causes and consequences of climate change and biodiversity loss and examines these phenomena from the perspectives of economics, social sciences and law (primarily for research teams). Deadline 6 February. *
  • Finnish Cultural Foundation: For the January round of applications, the Regional Funds award grants to applicants residing or born in the region, for scientific or artistic work taking place in or focused on the region, and various cultural projects. The grants are awarded as working or expenditure grants to individuals and working groups. Deadline 7 February. *
  • Marcus Wallenberg foundation: The foundation awards grants to high-quality scientific research within business administration or otherwise central from a management perspective. The Foundation may also grant support for researchers’ participation in international conferences and the organisation of international symposiums and international guest lecturers in Finland within the area of business administration. Deadline 10 February. *
  • Emil Aaltosen Foundation (in Finnish): The Foundation awards grants for scientific research regardless of the field of science. In particular, the aim is to support doctoral researchers and recent doctoral graduates in their further research work. Researchers working on doctoral dissertations and recent postdocs in their further research work can apply for individual grants (working grants, incentive grants, and target grants). Project funding (200 000 euros for a three-year project) can also be applied for by post doctoral researchers in the early stages of their independent careers and in the process of setting up their own research group. The applicant must be Finnish-speaking. Deadline 15 February. *
  • Oskar Öflunds stiftelse (in Swedish/Finnish): The purpose of the foundation is to support Finnish non-profit activities by awarding grants to individuals and communities operating in science or culture. In even year, grants are offered for cultural and non-profit activities. In odd years, grants are awarded for scientific research. The application is done in Swedish/Finnish, but attachments can be in English. Deadline 15 February. *
  • The Finnish Work Environment Fund: The fund supports research projects focused on occupational safety, occupational health, productivity or relationships between different actors in working life. Only organisations may apply. Deadline 15 February.
  • Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation:  The foundation awards annual grants for scientific research. Grants are primarily awarded to postdoctoral researchers and for the completion of doctoral theses for doctoral candidates. Deadline 28 February. *
  • The Finnish-Norwegian Cultural Foundation:  The Foundation provides grants to support projects in different spheres of society and cultural life. Grants are awarded to individuals, organisations and associations. The foundation supports activities that have a clear bilateral goal. Deadline 28 February. *
  • Svenska Litteratursällskapet: Working grants for academic research within the fields of humanities and social sciences can be applied for by doctoral researchers, PhD’s and associate professors (docent). The research plan must relate to Swedish in Finland, either entirely or in the form of comparative research in which Swedish in Finland is an important part of the study. Organisations can also apply for funding for the organisation of scientific conferences and seminars when the event is related to the Swedish language in Finland. Deadline 28 February. *
  • The Finnish-Danish Cultural Foundation:  The Foundation provides grants to support projects in different spheres of society and cultural life. Grants are awarded to individuals, organisations and associations. The foundation supports activities that have a clear bilateral goal. Deadline 28 February. *
  • The Foundation for Municipal Development: The foundation allocates funding for research projects on municipalities as well as grants for individual researchers in the field. Applications are not restricted to a particular field of study or discipline. Deadline 28 February. *
  • Gustaf Swanljungs stiftelse (in Swedish/Finnish): The foundation promotes commerce, industry and agriculture in Vaasa, Ostrobothnia. Grants can be awarded for research projects and doctoral studies. Deadline 28 February. *
  • Niilo Helanderin säätiö: This year the foundation promotes projects related to special fields; 1) Peace work, 2) Artificial Intelligence and creativity, and 3) Young actors in performing arts. Both individuals and working groups can apply. The applicant does not have to be a Finnish citizen, but the project or applicant must have a connection to Finland. The application form is only in Finnish, but can be filled in in English/Swedish. Deadline 28 February. *
  • The Foundation for Advancement of Finnish Securities Markets: The foundation awards grants for research and publishing activities related to securities saving and the development of the securities market, as well as related study trips. Funded projects are typically related to the fields of finance, economics and corporate and tax law. Deadline 28 February. *


  • The Saara and Björn Wahlroos foundation: The foundation supports post doctoral scholars, researchers, journalists and others engaged in public debate or scholarly work on pertinent social and economic issues. Deadline 1 March. 
  • City of Helsinki: The research grants are intended for post-graduate students working on a doctoral or licentiate thesis. Junior post doc researchers are also encouraged to apply. The research topic should be of significance for the city of Helsinki. Deadline 5 March. *
  • Evald and Hilda Nissi Foundation: Grants are awarded to students engaging in commercial studies, and students and researchers engaged in research work and for commercial civilisation in the Vaasa region. Deadline 10 March*
  • Alli Paasikivi foundation: The purpose of the Foundation is to promote the social security of families in society. The individual research grant is awarded for a maximum of one year at a time, and the amount of the grant is 26 355 € per year. Research projects that are viewed favorably include high-quality applications at either the dissertation or post-doctoral level. Deadline 12 March. *
  • Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse (in Swedish): Research grants are awarded for postgraduate research. The applicant must be a Finnish citizen. Deadline 15 March. *
  • Svenska Litteratursällskapet: Researchers within the fields of humanities and social sciences can apply for project funding. The projects must be linked to the Swedish language and the Swedish cultural heritage in Finland. Project groups or individual researchers with at least a doctoral degree can apply for funding for research projects. Doctoral students can apply for project funding if their thesis has been pre-reviewed and approved by the pre-reviewers. Deadline 31 March.
  • Svensk Österbottniska Samfundet (in Swedish): SÖS promotes Swedish culture, especially science, literature and art in Swedish Ostrobothnia. Grants are awarded for postgradute studies, postdoctoral research and research projects. Travel grants and participation in conferences for presenting own research can also be applied for. Specific criteria regarding a connection to Swedish Ostrobothnia must be fulfilled by the applicant and/or project. Deadline 31 March. *
  • The Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation: The Foundation provides grants to support projects in different spheres of society and cultural life. The foundation supports activities that have a clear bilateral goal. Deadline 31 March. *


  • Nordic Tax Research Council: Research funds can be given to projects that aim to promote Nordic tax science research and develop Nordic collaborations of relevance for tax research. The applicant, alternatively someone with responsibility for the project or related to it, must be employed, or otherwise active, at a Nordic university or research institute. Deadline 1 April.
  • Peter Wallenberg Foundation: The foundation supports research and education projects related to economics and technology involving collaboration between Swedish and Finnish researchers. Deadline 1 April.
  • Finnish Research Impact Foundation: The foundation is opening the yearly Tandem Industry Academia Postdoc call. In a TIA Postdoc funds projects where a a post-doctoral researcher works closely with an academic partner for half of the project duration and with an industrial partner for the other half. Deadline 13 April.
  • The Swedish-Finnish Cultural FoundationGrants for activities and visits to Sweden. The foundation supports activities that have a clear bilateral goal. Several application periods during the spring (last deadline 14 April). *
  • Post Docs in Companies: PoDoCo offers young scholars funding for academic research having strategic importance for Finnish companies. The program offers a research period followed by a targeted research period lasting all together 1-2 years. Recently graduated PhD or PhD student graduating during next 6-9 months willing to work in companies are eligible for the program. Deadline 15 April.
  • Otto A. Malm foundation: The foundation supports higher education, institutions or projects serving the common good, and scientific research, by granting personal grants. In even-numbered years (e.g. 2024, 2026, 2028 etc.) the stipends are granted for scientific research, in odd-numbered years (e.g. 2025, 2027, 2029 etc.) for higher education and the common good. Deadline 30 April. *
  • Researchers Abroad (Tutkijat maailmalle): The purpose of the program is to support ambitious technology or economics researchers to conduct research at a high-level foreign university or research institute. The amount to be awarded is primarily intended to cover the additional costs of a 6-12 month continuous research visit. Applicants must have at least a master’s degree, but the grant may also be suitable for an early postdoc.  Applicants must be Finnish citizens or have permanent residence in Finland. Deadline in April/TBC. *
  • Fortum and Neste Foundation: The foundation offers grants and awards for research, education and development in natural, technical and economical sciences within the energy industry. Applications are accepted for 1) personal scholarships for postgraduate studies and for 2) single-installment personal grants to support the execution of an individual project within the scope of the Foundation’s industry (eg. attending a conference or disseminating research findings). Deadline TBC. *


  • Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation:  In May, first-year postgraduate students in economics who have been nominated by their department of economics to the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation are eligible to apply for a full-year grant. The grants are intended for full-time postgraduate studies aiming for a doctorate which begin in the autumn of the same year or in the spring of the following year. In addition, individuals who have received a grant from the foundation in the previous spring for their first year of postgraduate studies in economics may apply for a grant in May. These grants are awarded for the second year of postgraduate studies. Deadline 16 May. *
  • Federation for Finnish Learned Societies: Public information grants are awarded to individuals or members of working groups to implement work plans that contribute to public information, mainly as a form of compensation for creative work. Grants may be awarded for non-fiction books, radio and TV programmes, articles in periodicals, information products published in electronic form or other information products that popularise information. Deadline 31 May.
  • Nasdaq Nordic Foundation: The Foundation’s mission is to promote scientific research and other initiatives related to the financial markets in Finland, Denmark and Sweden, with the goal of increasing competence and competitiveness for the financial markets within these countries. Deadline TBC.
  • Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation: Grants for the fields of science are primarily awarded for research work. Grants can be applied for doctoral thesis work, post-doctoral research and other research. The grant applicant seeking funding should be Finnish or the project should take place in Finland or it should have a strong link to Finland. Deadline TBC. *
  • Finnish Work Environment Fund (in Finnish): Individuals can apply for grants for research concerning working life. The grants are targeted to doctoral researchers in their final stages of their Ph.D and young Post docs. Grants for research visits, travel grants and the writing of research books can also be applied for. Deadline TBC. *


  • Osk. Huttunen Foundation: The foundation offers grants to young Finns for the completion of doctoral studies (applicant max. 26 years) and for postdoctoral research work (applicant max. 35 years of age) at universities outside Finland. Doctoral studies will primarily be completed at the oldest English universities, but other universities or research institutes outside Finland are also accepted if warranted by the research and study plan. Deadline 15 June. *
  • Marcus Wallenberg’s foundation: The purpose of Marcus Wallenberg’s Foundation is to promote education and research in the field of business administration. Senior researchers can apply for high-class research projects for a duration of 2-3 years and with a total budget of max. 300 000 euros. Deadline TBC. 
  • Ammattienedistämissäätiö (AEL) (in Finnish): The Foundation awards grants for projects that promote the technical competence and competitiveness of people, companies and communities. Grants may be applied for by Finnish organisations. Deadline TBC.

Continuous application

  • Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation: The primary objective of the Foundation is to promote top-level research particularly in the fields of medicine, technology and economics as well as high-level art and culture. The key focus of the Foundation’s activities is in the post-graduate research period. All projects must have a sufficient and clear link to Finland. Continuous application.
  • Kone Foundation: For this special call “In the Woods”, Kone Foundation is seeking interdisciplinary projects that enhance understanding of the various meanings of forests and bring new perspectives and approaches to forest discourse. The ongoing call for proposals will remain open for several years. Continuous application.
  • The Helsinki Sanomat Foundation: The Foundation offers grants related to research on media, communications, and freedom of speech. The grants are distributed throughout the year, and decisions are made twice a year. Continuous application.
  • Nordic Tax Research Council: NTRC invites applications for travel grant for young scholars in the Nordic countries. The grant should be used for travel costs and participation in activities that support Nordic collaboration for tax research, such as conferences and workshops, within in the Nordic countries. Applications should be handed in to the secretary-general with sufficient margin. Continuous application. *

Contact the Research Funding Services ( well in advance for support with funding applications. Read more about our support services here (login required).