The Finnish Research Impact Foundation (FRIF) is launching two calls, TIA professor and the new TIA Seed funding, with a deadline for applications on 13 October 2024.   

Tandem Industry Academia (TIA) Professor 2024

TIA Professor funding is intended for those working in professor-level positions (e.g. professor, tenure-track professor, research director, chief researcher) at universities and research institutions. The funding supports joint research projects undertaken by the applicant in partnership with an industrial company.

The funding has a dual objective: On the one hand, it will give academic partners first-hand knowledge about relevant areas of research interest for industry partners; and on the other hand, it will give industry partners unique access to top-tier research insights in the fields of their interest. Projects may involve pre-competitive research and other supportive activities.

Funding: The funding covers the professor’s salary costs for 12 months spread out over a maximum of three years. The grant can also cover other possible costs, such as travel, equipment and publishing expenses. During the three year funding period, the TIA Professor will spend a period equivalent to one full year working in facilities provided by the industrial host.

Read the call text here.

Tandem Industry Academia (TIA) Seed 2024

TIA Seed funding is intended for researchers who have recently entered the Finnish research funding system, are in the early stages of their careers, and are on the professor career path. The aim of this funding is to initiate and accelerate research work and business collaboration that will create significant advancements in developing Finland’s expertise and enhancing its global competitiveness. The project may consist of joint precompetitive research and other supporting activities.

Researchers who have been employed at a Finnish university or research institute for a maximum of three years and who have spent at least five consecutive years abroad before arriving in Finland are eligible to apply. At least two companies must participate as collaboration partners in the project.

Funding: Seed funding is intended to kick-start business collaboration within the professor’s own research in Finland. TIA Seed funding supports projects with a budget of approximately 200,000 euros. The funding can be used to cover salary costs, overheads, travel and material expenses, as well as publication and collaboration-related costs. The duration of the funded project is up to 3 years from the start of funding.

Read the call text here.

Please contact if you are interested in applying to this call.