The Research Council of Finland is opening calls for mobility grants for research visits to Japan, Germany and Mainland China. The call opens on 21 August and closes on 25 September.

Funding for mobility cooperation with Japan, Germany or Mainland China 2024

Application period: 21 August to 25 September 2024 (at 16.15 Finnish time)

The funding is intended for mobility from Finland to Japan, Germany or Mainland China (necessary travel and living expenses) within joint projects with Japan, Germany or Mainland China. Visits may be planned for several periods, from one week up to a few months. The applicant is a researcher with a doctoral degree who is based in Finland and has close connections to Finland. 

The project must have both a Finnish and a local responsible person, both of whom must submit an application to their own funding agency. The grant amount and funding criteria differ between the countries, see more below:

  • Japan: The project duration must be at least one and no more than two years. The project must start between 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026. The granted funding is no more than 30,000 euros per project for two years.
  • Germany: The funding can cover the mobility costs of research team members who are at least at the postgraduate level. The amount is no more than 20,000 euros per project for two years. The earliest start date for the funding period is 1 March 2025.
  • Mainland China: Funding will be granted for mobility of research team members. The funding comes to no more than 30,000 euros per project for two years. The funding period is 1 May 2025–30 April 2027.

Read the call text.

Mobility grant from Finland to Japan (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship) 2024

Application period: 21 August to 25 September 2024 (at 16.15 Finnish time)

This call for applications for mobility grants concerns Japan (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship). The grant covers the researchers own mobility from Finland to to visit Japan during between 12 and 24 months The funding comes in the form of a personal grant. The Research Council of Finland selects one candidate per year for approval by JSPS. The funding is based on a bilateral agreement between the Research Council of Finland and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

The applicant is a researcher who is based in Finland and has close connections to Finland. The applicant is required to have obtained a doctoral degree no later than 31 March 2025. No more than six years must have passed since the applicant completed their degree before the start of the visit to Japan.

Read the call text.