Are you looking for funding for your research? In this blog post, we list calls by Finnish foundations with autumn deadlines.

Hanken encourages its researchers to apply for external funding to maximise the resources available for research. A list of upcoming funding calls by Finnish foundations is presented below. The calls have application deadlines in autumn 2024. The list is continuously updated.

Open calls are also published in the Research Funding blog and

Calls marked with a * are suitable for doctoral researchers.


  • Alfred Kordelin Foundation: The Foundation awards grants for finalizing doctoral theses, and for research visits related to Ph.D. thesis work in various fields of science. The grant is intended for full-time work, performed during the calendar year that follows the year the grant was awarded. Deadline 15 August*
  • Foundation for Economic Education (Liikesivistysrahasto): The Foundation promotes research especially in business and economics. Promoting the economic growth and competitiveness of Finland are overarching goals of projects supported by the foundation. Most of the grants awarded annually are aimed at doctoral and post-doc studies and education. In addition, targeted grants are awarded for a conference trip, study visit or other study trip, conference organization or other designated purpose. Deadline 15 August. *
  • Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation: The foundation provides funding for projects that seek systemic solutions for an ecologically sustainable future. Grants are awarded for doctoral thesis researchers, post-docs, and implementation projects. Deadline 30 August. *
  • The Foundation for Municipal Development (KAKS): The foundation allocates funding for research projects on municipalities as well as grants for researchers within this field. Applications are not restricted to a particular field of study or discipline. Deadline 31 August. *


  • The Finnish Foundations’ Post Doc Pool: Grants are awarded for scholars, who have recently completed their doctoral degree and wish to conduct research abroad, outside of Finland, for at least one academic year. Deadline 15 September.
  • The Finnish Work Environment Fund (in Finnish): The Fund awards grants for new research concerning working life. Organizations can apply for funding for research projects on occupational safety, occupational health, productivity, or relationships between different actors in working life. Organisations can also apply for funding for a conference or seminar (in Finland) aimed at disseminating new information on working life research. Deadline 16 September.
  • Letterstedtska föreningen (in Swedish): The association promotes the fellowship between the Nordic countries in the fields of industry, science, and art. Applications are preferably made in Scandinavian languages. The application amount should be in the range of 10.000-50.000 SEK. Deadline 15 September. *
  • Paulo Foundation (in Finnish): The foundation awards grants to artists and researchers who are either Finnish citizens or permanent residents in Finland. The grants are awarded in the fields of medical and economic research as well as in fine arts and music. Individual grants for economic research are usually in the range from 2.500 to 10.000 euros. Deadline 15 September. *
  • Kone Foundation: The funding targets high-quality research in the humanities, social sciences and environmental sciences, artistic research and multidisciplinary work. The foundation does not fund research in business studies without an interdisciplinary dimension. An individual (e.g. doctoral studies, post-doc), a working group or a Finnish legal entity can apply for a grant. Deadline 15 September. *
  • Yrjö Jahnsson foundation: Applications are accepted for grants for research in economics, medicine and health economics. Personal working grants are intended for doctoral or postdoctoral studies, and the expenditure grants are intended for institutions or research groups. Grant period can be up to 12 months. All Finnish nationals, as well as people and organizations residing or working in Finland are eligible to apply for the grants. Deadline 27 September. *
  • Stiftelsen Tre Smeder (in Swedish): The foundation supports cultural and non-profit activities in Helsinki, where the Swedish language has an obvious role and strong relevance. Applications can be submitted by a working group, association, or organisation. Deadline 30 September.
  • Hans Bang stiftelsen (in Swedish): The scholarships and gratuities are intended for business research and development of global trade. The application can be submitted in Swedish, Finnish, or English. Deadline 30 September. *
  • Victoria Stiftelsen (in Swedish): The foundation supports talented, mainly female Swedish-speaking researchers from various subject areas. Doctoral research scholarships are granted for full-time studies during one year. In addition, a few scholarships for postdoctoral research may also be granted. Deadline 30 September*
  • Svenska Österbottens Kulturfond (in Swedish): Grants or scholarships are awarded to Swedish-speaking persons in Ostrobothnia and Ostrobothnian associations for scientific research, studies and such artistic and cultural activities that have a direct connection to Swedish Ostrobothnia. Deadline 30 September. *
  • Svenska Litteratursällskapet: Doctoral students, doctors and associate professors in theology, environmental management and technology, legal history, economics and statistics can apply for a working grant. In economics and statistics, funding is granted to Swedish-speaking citizens of Finland who conduct scientific economic research or statistical research in the field of economics, including demography. Deadline in September*
  • Inga, Valdemar, Anna-Lisa och Inga-Brita Westbergsfond (in Swedish): Grants or scholarships can be awarded to Swedish-speaking doctoral students and researchers from Swedish Ostrobothnia for academic research. The applicant must have completed their matriculation exam in Swedish at a high school in Ostrobothnia. Deadline 30 September. *


  • Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland (in Swedish): The fund awards grants and scholarships to projects and activities that promote cooperation between Finland and Sweden in areas such as culture, languages, media, research, and education. Applications for activity grants and residence grants above 5.000 euros are not prioritised. Deadline 1 October.
  • Vaikuttavuussäätiö: TIA Professor funding is intended to support joint research projects undertaken by professors working at universities and research institutes in partnership with an industrial company. TIA Professor funding is intended for professorial academics working at universities and government research institutes. The grant ensures a competitive salary and covers other possible costs, such as travel, equipment and publishing expenses. Deadline 13 October.
  • Vakuutustiedon kehittämissäätiö (in Finnish): The foundation supports the development of knowledge and expertise related to the insurance industry. Grants are awarded for scientific research, master’s theses, and scientific books. The grants are usually around 500-5.000 euros/year. Individuals and working groups may apply. Deadline 15 October. *
  • The Finnish Work Environment Fund (Finnish): Individuals can apply for grants for research concerning working life. The grants are targeted to doctoral researchers in their final stages of their Ph.D and young Post docs. Grants for research visits, travel grants and the writing of research books can also be applied for. Deadline 15 October. *
  • Yksityisyrittäjän liitto (in Finnish): The foundation gives grants to organisations and communities promoting entrepreneurship. The priorities of grant distribution are entrepreneurship education, turning points in entrepreneurship, and startup and growth entrepreneurship. Deadline 31 October.
  • Savings Banks Research Foundation: The Foundation awards grants, primarily for doctoral theses and postdoctoral research, for research on the money market and savings. The aim is to award grants for completing research that has already received support. Grants are approximately 5.000 euros on average. Deadline 31 October. *
  • The Finnish Cultural foundation: In the October round of applications, it is possible to apply for a regular working and/or expenditure grant or a special purpose grant. Eligible applicants include Finnish nationals and people and organisations residing or working in Finland. Deadline 31 October. *
  • Federation of Finnish Learned Societies: The state subsidy is intended for organizing both international conferences and national seminars. Events receiving funding should reinforce research, promote discussion on science policy and increase contacts between researchers and their stakeholders. Deadline 31 October.
  • Post Docs in Companies: The PoDoCo program is a joint initiative of Finnish universities, industry, and foundations. The program offers a young postdoc funding for a research period at a university followed by a targeted research period at a company lasting 1-2 years all together. There are no limitations regarding the branch of science or branch of industry. Deadline 31 October.
  • KAUTE Foundation (in Finnish): This funding call is intended for projects that are not suitable for foundation’s general research grants, but otherwise contribute to the purpose and the mission of KAUTE Foundation. The call is targeted for projects relating to research communication, teaching development etc. Deadline in October (TBC).


  • Svenska kulturfonden (in Swedish): The foundation provides grants for individuals (including Ph.D students), working groups, and organisations for educational, research and cultural purposes and activities. The foundation’s mission is to support and strengthen the culture and education of the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland, by supporting education, arts and culture, and social cohesion through non-profit organisations. Deadline 30 November*


  • Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation: The primary objective of the Foundation is to promote top-level research particularly in the fields of medicine, technology, and economics as well as high-level art and culture. The key focus of the Foundation’s activities is the post-graduate research period. Continuous application.
  • Kone Foundation: For this special call “In the Woods”, Kone Foundation is seeking interdisciplinary projects that enhance understanding of the various meanings of forests and bring new perspectives and approaches to forest discourse. The ongoing call for proposals will remain open for several years. Continuous application.
  • Helsinki Sanomat Foundation: The Foundation offers grants related to research on media, communications, and freedom of speech. The grants are distributed throughout the year, and decisions are made twice a year. Continous application.

Contact the Research Funding Services ( well in advance for support with funding applications. Read more about our support services here.