Do you wonder why Research Funding Services urge you to be in touch with them when you plan to write a research funding application?

The Research Funding team wants to help you with practical matters, of course, but at the same time there is a need to follow how many applications are sent from Hanken and most importantly: to which proposals are we as an organization committed to. All research projects which are administered by Hanken require not just working time from the administration (HR, economics department) but depending on the funding instrument, the organization has to pay its own share of the funding so there is a financial commitment, too. In addition, participation in a project brings also other, often legal obligations for the organization.

If you are preparing a big, international research funding proposal for instance to the EU, we recommend you to be in touch with the research funding team 2 months but latest 1 month prior to deadline.

To follow how much money Hanken will have to invest on various possible projects and to keep track on applications and obligations, we have an internal commitment process. When you have all the details ready for your proposal – short description, partners, budget – you can ask the Research Funding team to prepare a commitment document that is then signed either by Rector and Dean of Research or Dean of Research and Director of Research, International Affairs and Corporate Connections. Because there are several people involved in this process, we reserve 7 business days for this.

To make your application process also internally smooth, please remember to

  • Be in contact with the Research Funding team already when you plan to submit an application.
  • Be in contact with the Controller to get the budgeting right and the possible own share of funding covered.
  • Ask for the commitment document from the research funding team at least 7 business days before the deadline for submitting the application.

Sirpa Aalto, Head of research funding